Member(s) of Pasteur Institute of Iran (IPI)

Mirabzadeh Ardakani
Researcher and head of the of laboratory Animals in Pasteur institute of Tehran.
Doctorate of veterinary medicine (D.V.M) .
Diploma of mouse Genetic from Pasteur Institute of Paris.
Design & Implementation of Ethical Committees System for Supervision of Research on Laboratory Animals” And preparation of the guides and rules in care and use of Laboratory Animals in Scientific Affairs with The Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education; Tehran, Iran.
Development of an animal model for parasitic, microbial, fungal, metabolic diseases and study of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects on laboratory animal.
Principle Investigator, “Evaluation of Cytokines responses (IFN-δ ,IL-10) to Leishmania major in second generation backcross of BALB/c & MBT/pas inbred mouse”; Pasteur Inst.

Fariborz Bahrami
Early Stage Researcher
Assistant Professor (Immunology Dept.)
2013 Post-Doc Immunology IPI, Iran
2010 Post-Doc Immunology CHUL/Laval University, Canada
2007 Post-Doc Molecular Biology IP, France
2005 Ph.D. Microbiology McGill University, Canada
2000 Grad. Cert. Biotechnology McGill University, Canada
1999 B.Sc. Microbiology & Immunology McGill University, Canada
Major Research Interests
Mechanisms of pathogenesis/immunosuppression by intracellular microorganisms
Development of immune-based therapies against intracellular microorganisms

Arezou Lari
Early Stage Researcher
Ph.D. Student of Systems Biomedicine at IPI (2016-Present) / Doctor of Pharmacy: 2006-2012 Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran.
Thesis: Synthesis and evaluation CNS activity of some novel Modafinil derivatives.
Courses taken at IPI Systems Biomedicine: Mathematics; Statistics; Metabolomics; Genomics; Proteomics; Basic Programming; Biochemistry; Algorithm; Bioinformatics

Noushin Davoudi
Experienced Researcher
Associate Professor (Medical Biotechnology Dept.)
2002 PhD Medical Biotechnology IPI
1992 M.Sc. Medical Microbiology Tehran University MedSci, Iran
1986 B.Sc. Biology Tehran University, Iran
Major Research Interests
Genomic factors of the parasite-induced and/or immunogen-induced macrophage response
Development of attenuated parasites with immunity according gene targeting

Sima Rafati
Early Stage Researcher
Pr. Sima Rafati is the head of Immunotherapy and Leishmania Vaccine Research Dept., with more than 20 years of experience focusing on vaccine development against cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. Most recently, Rafati et al have begun studies to understand the pathogenesis of L. tropica in patients. L. tropica can cause disfiguring chronic disease, in spite of the development of a strong immune response and control of the parasites. Furthermore, her team is attempting to develop non-invasive and field base diagnostic tools for rapid detection of infected patients.
1996-99 Post- Doc Immunology University of Laussane, Switzerland
1996 PhD Medical Biotechnology IPI, Iran
1991 M. Sc. Clinical Immunology University of Tehran, Iran
1985 B. Sc. Medical Microbiology University of Washington, USA & Tehran University, Iran

Nasrin Masoudzadeh
Experienced Researcher
Nasrin Masoudzadeh is a PhD student who will be involved in Task 4.1 under supervision of Prof. Sima Rafati and Dr. Ali Harandi. Her main focus is on L. tropica infected patients. According to designed experiments, she will concentrate on RNA sequencing of acute infected patients and normal biopsies in order to explore transcriptome changes, biological processes and key immunological pathways associated with localized immune response. RNAseq analysis will be performed on an Illumina Hiseq platform and the outcome will be validated by Real-Time PCR.
2015 PhD student Medical biotechnology IPI, Iran
2011 M.Sc. Biochemistry Azad university, Iran
2006 B.Sc. Biology Azad university, Iran
Major Research Interests
Understanding about host-pathogen interactions and Leishmania evasion mechanisms from host defenses
Use of system biology to decipher host pathogen interaction network based on RNAseq

Negar Seyed
Early Stage Researcher
Assistant Professor (Immunotherapy and Leishmania Vaccine Research Dept.)
2012 PhD Medical Biotechnology IPI
2002 M.Sc. Immunology Sh. Beheshti School of Medicine
1998 B.Sc. Biology Tehran University
Major Research Interests
Reverse vaccinology, subunit vaccine development, screening new Leishmania vaccine candidates stimulating both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, improving memory response for subunit vaccines.

Tahereh Taheri
Experienced Researcher
Associated professor (Immunotherapy and Leishmania Vaccine Research Dept.)
2010 PhD Molecular Genetics NIGEB*, Tehran, Iran
1999 M.Sc. Genetics Azad University, Tehran, Iran
1997 B.Sc. Biology Azad University, Tehran, Iran
*NIGEB: National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Major research interests
Molecular Generics, molecular parasitology, gene function and expression, development of genetically modified parasites-based vaccines against Leishmania.

Farideh Bahari
Early Stage Researcher
Ph.D. Student of Systems Biomedicine at IPI (2017-Present) / M.Sc. Genetics: 2011-2013 Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Chaharmahal Bakhtiari, Iran. / B.Sc. Biology: 2006-2010 Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Chaharmahal Bakhtiari, Iran.
Courses taken at IPI Systems Biomedicine: Genomics and Transcriptomics; Mathematics; Biomarkers and drug discovery; Biophysical/biochemical methods; C++ Programming; Systems biology I; Proteomics; Metabolomics; Biostatistics; Data structure; Systems biology II; Bioinformatics

Yasaman Taslimi
Early Stage Researcher
Yasaman Taslimi is a PhD student who will be involved in Task 4.1 under supervision of Prof. Sima Rafati. Her main focus is to develop a rapid non-invasive diagnostic kit for infected leishmaniasis patients. The gold standard for diagnosis requires isolation and culturing the parasites from infected lesion and direct identification of parasite microscopically. Both approaches are invasive and cause discomfort especially for children. She already developed a novel method using sequential tape strips for sampling and isolation of DNA from the surface of skin lesions of CL patients for specific diagnosis. In this task, she will modify the molecular diagnostic section in order to be more applicable for the field studies.
2017 PhD student Biotechnology IPI, Iran
2015 M. Sc. Biochemistry Azad University, Iran
2000 B.Sc. Nutrition Azad University, Iran
2000-till now Researcher Leishmaniasis IPI, Iran
Major Research Interests
- New molecular methods of diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis
- Non-invasive methods of sampling from patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis

Farnaz Zahedifard
Early Stage Researcher
PhD Student (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
Research interest
Testing Drug candidates against leishmaniasis
New treatment strategies

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°778298.