Member(s) Charles University
Vit Dvorak
Experienced Researcher – WP leader (WP3)
Fieldwork experience
Sand fly, Leishmania and reservoir host investigation in foci of leishmaniases in Israel, Tunisia, Turkey, and Ethiopia, sand fly surveillance in Balkan countries, Caucasus countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), Cyprus and Greece, mapping northern limits of sand fly distribution in Slovakia and Austria
Research Interests
Vector biology, parasite-vector-host relationships, Leishmania-sand fly interaction, epidemiology of leishmaniases, molecular taxonomy and ecology of sand flies.
Daniel Frynta
Experienced Researcher
Associate Professor at the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, head of the Division of Ethology and Ecology. Senior researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health, head of the Workgroup on emotions and phobias triggered by animals. Scientific interests: behaviour, ecology and evolution of vertebrates, especially rodents and reptiles; conservation biology; responses of humans and their brain to animal stimuli. He has rich field experiences (incl. the Balkans, Caucasus, Near East, North Africa, African Horn, Central Africa, Central Asia, Indonesia, Cuba) and has published about 105 scientific papers according to ISI Science Citation Index (+ 30 other papers, 6 chapters and 3 textbooks), 1209 citations (without self-citations), H = 21.
Jovana Sadlova
Experienced Researcher
Assistant Professor at the Department of Parasitology, Charles University, Prague. Research Interests: vector biology, parasite-vector-host relationships, Leishmania-sand fly interaction, epidemiology of leishmaniases. Field experiences from CL and VL foci in Turkey, Ethiopia. Current projects related to experimental infections of Sub-Saharan rodents with Leishmania spp. and xenodiagnoses.
Barbora Vojtkova
Early Stage Researcher
Research Interests
Vector biology, parasite-vector-host relationships, Leishmania-sand fly interaction, epidemiology of leishmaniases, xenodiagnostic assays, experimental infections of reservoir hosts.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°778298.